Halloween through New Year's Day is a sugar train that just keeps on coming!
You probably already know several reasons to cut sugar out of your diet, but if you’re looking to stay healthy and feeling good this winter, watching your sugar intake is a huge key to this! If you’re still not sure sugar is really all that bad, here are 146 reasons that may motivate you to think otherwise. This time of year, one of the biggest things to consider is lowered immunity with more frequent colds and flu. A big reason for this is that all the sugar is causing an imbalance of good bacteria in your gut and this is where 80% of your immune system lives!
I get it. No matter what age you are, it's not easy to avoid sugar in its many faces during this season! So here are a few ideas to help get through this season with fewer battles and keep everyone's immune systems in check.
First, a few tips for cutting sugar:
1) If you know you're going to be going to lots of holiday gatherings, get rid of sugar temptations at home. The more you eat it the more you crave it. If your cravings are really bad, there may be issues like candida, parasites or magnesium deficiency that are worth checking into (we can help!). But it can also be as simple as eating fewer carbs which turn to sugar in your body and make your body crave MORE SUGAR.
2) You may be getting more sugar than you realize. Beverages can be a fast way to add a lot of sugar to your diet without realizing it. It's worth evaluating the sugar in your coffee, tea or other drinks and finding a way to cut those back or flavor with real spices and raw dairy or coconut milk.
3) Sleep deprivation and/or stress have a direct impact on brain regions that control decision making and make us more inclined to crave junk food rather than healthier options. One study even found that "sleep deprivation increases the activity of deeper, primal brain regions that respond directly to rewards.”
4) Try to use honey, maple syrup or at least organic sugar. Regular beet sugar is genetically engineered and fake sweeteners are toxic. Recent studies examined the relative toxicity of six artificial sweeteners — aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, neotame, advantame and acesulfame potassium-k (the common artificial sweeteners found in many products on the market). They found that the good bacteria in the digestive system became toxic when exposed to concentrations of only one mg./ml. of the artificial sweeteners! Other large studies have tracked biochemical changes in the body and shown that these sweeteners actually throw off the body’s ability to monitor how many calories we consume. So that "diet" or "zero" calorie is causing you to gain weight. Worse, aspartame is a multi-potential carcinogen, even consumed daily at 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. That is a lower quantity than the maximum recommended by the FDA (50 mg/kg of body weight).
5) When you do indulge, pay attention as you do it!! Enjoy every bite without guilt. Eat slowly and be in the moment with that cookie! You might even notice you eat LESS when you're tuned in to how your body feels as you're eating it!
6) Take a really good probiotic!
You may already take a probiotic, but not all probiotics are created equal. The probiotics we carry at Luminosity will support your body WAY beyond any extra sugar consumption! Check out all the amazing things these special formulations can do for you.
Living Streams probiotics
• Living Streams probiotics only contain organic lab certified bacteria species that are naturally found in the human body, and do not contain bacteria obtained from soil microbes.
• CFU stands for colony forming units. The LIVE and active CFU rating for Living Stream Probiotics is 70 to 90 million per ML. Many companies advertise very high CFU ratings, however, this does not mean they are all alive or will survive in the digestive tract. Living Streams probiotics are developed in a special way in a liquid format making them more effective and completely bioavailable to the body.
• Living Streams probiotics are unique in that they are used in their complete form. Nothing is added or taken away. They contain nutrients in a form that are easily useable by the human body. They are also compatible with absorption through the skin and mucus membranes which opens up many non-traditional pathways into the body. Pathways into the body may be clogged or closed in some people. These probiotics can be taken orally through the mouth or can be applied to the skin including the eyes, ears, nose, lungs, etc.
• Living Streams probiotics are naturally suited to breaking down waste products whether in the human body, animals, water, or soil.
Here are just a few of the special formulas available:
Living Streams Multi-Blend Liquid Probiotic™ is a natural by-product of friendly bio-organisms (probiotics) that have been specially cultured and developed to produce the natural anti-infective substances the human body was meant to receive from flora in the intestinal tract. However, because of processed foods, lack of enzymes and other nutrients, poor quality intestinal flora and other health stresses; even the normal amounts of these substances that would otherwise be there are missing in most people. On top of that, because the friendly bacteria are missing from the intestinal track growth of "bad" bacteria, fungus, yeast, virus and mold colonies can seriously chip away at your health.
This product is the direct result of years of research and development, and could well be one of the most beneficial biological products in support of good health. The secret is in the "solution" that the friendly flora produce, NOT in the bacteria themselves or the quantity of bacteria.
This is what sets Living Streams Multi-Blend™ apart from all other probiotic products.
Living Streams Multi-Blend Probiotic™ is a solution made from all natural probiotic... naturally occurring organisms in many foods... but it is specially formulated and processed to "super activate" their natural bio-production of beneficial substances that supports the immune system against infective agents such as mold, fungus, yeast, viral components and bacteria. This means it:
Promotes and supports healthy digestion
Replenishes and balances intestinal flora
Promotes regularity
Promotes a healthy immune system
Living Streams Multi-Blend Probiotic™ is a product that provides the friendly flora normally should be providing the body to fight subclinical infections, but this solution is a much stronger concentration of these vital substances. Don't get confused by looking for "bacterial counts" in this product. The secret is in the products these friendly bacteria produce for us.
Living Streams Multi-Blend™ (Living Streams Probiotic™) is a natural by-product of friendly bio-organisms (probiotics) that have been specially cultured and developed to produce the natural anti-infective substances the human body is meant to receive from flora in the intestinal track.
Research is finding what natural health has been saying for hundreds of years - all health and disease begins in the colon. In today's world our #1 environmental toxin is the Glyphosate that has been used in Roundup on our crops (found in food, water and air now). Not only is it a carcinogen, it also kills our beneficial intestinal bacteria and causes leaky gut. This means it is eventually preventing nutrient absorption too. Living streams neutralizes glyphosate because the bacteria eat it up.
Bifido helps replenish good bacteria that assists with the proper digestion and absorption of food and nutrients as well as helping you form molecules into amino acids. It also supports a healthy immune response - both for seasonal immunity and prevention of auto-immune issues. Curcumin has been added to this formula which has high levels of Yttrium. Yttrium is a rare mineral our body craves to absorb minerals. Bifido and longum are the only family of probiotics that can digest yttrium that is in Curcumin.
Flora PM contains pre-digested humic minerals help fuel the body on a cellular level, while the trace minerals build new cells.
The Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria in this formula aid in restoring the digestive tract and improve the ability to digest food.
This formula is recommended for individuals with digestive tract issues, poor digestion, leaky gut and is great for someone dealing with parasites as well as viruses and bacteria.
It's also great for women experiencing menopause symptoms (dryness, hot flashes, sleep problems, night sweats, pain, low libido, low energy) because it supports female reproductive organ health and repairs hormone function.
It is also very helpful for people with high blood pressure because of its decalcifying properties in the body.
Chabide is Pineal gland food. The pineal gland has several critical functions including secretion of melatonin the hormone that causes sleepiness and the regulation of certain endocrine functions. The pineal also helps convert signals from the nervous system to signals in the endocrine system. Physiologically, in conjunction with the hypothalamus gland the pineal gland controls the sex drive, hunger, thirst and the biological clock which determines the body’s normal aging process. It is clear that Melatonin plays an important role in our immune system function; studies show low levels suppress a number of immune factors. There are also reports of abnormal melatonin levels being profiled in a number of psychiatric and neurological disorders. So the mounting evidence is continuing to show how important an active pineal gland is.
Because many of us have been exposed to fluoride in our water which causes calcification of the pineal gland, Chabide is helpful in reactivating it. Chabide also turns on and activates the thyroid gland, making it great for people withHashimoto's. This activation helps repair and regulate the entire endocrine system which will in turn prompt digestive hormones and stomach acid to be more efficient; helping digestion. The bacteria is bioavailable and goes right into the body. Because Chabide promotes Sulphur uptake to hypothalamus, it can even be helpful for people who are trying to wean off psychotropic drugs.(Most of us are Sulphur deficient because of all of the Roundup in our environment.)
Moringa probiotic blend is considered a perfect food. This formula is high in nutrients and vitamins- more than any other product. This mighty superfood leaf contains over ninety beneficial nutrients including broad spectrum B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, potassium, calcium and selenium. Selenium is very hard to get in our diets and very needed by our thyroid as well as protecting us from cancer because it protects DNA production and protects from free radial damage.
Moringa is being called the "super leaf". It's been shown to...
Balance blood sugar levels
Improve digestion
Strengthen the immune system
Flush toxins from your liver
Boost energy
Lift your mood
Moringa also balances hormones and adjusts the body to its correct physical balance/blueprint.
Carbon 60 is made from Helium carbon molecule that neutralizes poisons - it is considered a perfect molecule. In rat studies it was able to extend their lifeand eliminate all tumors and arthritis. The rats would not die after living 4 times beyond their life span- not even poison or radiation would kill them. This probiotic is great for helping with inflammation and pain.
Zeolite is the first probiotic that addresses the contaminants of the 21st century and is used for heavy metal detoxification by binding to heavy metals and carrying them safely out of the body. Some common exposures to heavy metals are found in our water, beauty products, pesticides, old mercury dental fillings, furniture, some pharmaceuticals, and vehicle exhaust.
Common signs of chronic heavy metal toxicity include:
Chronic fatigue
Digestive discomfort
Brain fog
Immune issues
Achy joints & rashes
Zeolite is a breakthrough supplement that works at the cellular level by trapping heavy metals and toxins and safely removing them from the body. Zeolite is also very effective in removing radiation, as shown in the cleanup after the Chernobyl nuclear accident.
The Zeolite particle is negatively charged and when taken into the body it will bind to positively charged molecules (free radicals, heavy metals, viruses, cancers) and escort them out of the body during normal daily elimination. This zeolite mineral also balances your body’s pH level to it’s natural healthy state where disease forming organisms can’t thrive.
Alfalfa probiotic formula is loaded with nutrients because Alfalfa has an extensive root system allows it to absorb a huge amount of nutrients from the soil. Alfalfa contains A, D, E, K, and the entire spectrum of B vitamins. It also possesses the minerals potassium, iron, phosphorous, biotin, niacin, magnesium, folic acid, and calcium. If that weren't enough; it has a high level of protein and amino acids.
Due to the plant’s high levels of phytoestrogens and vitamin K; alfalfa minimizes symptoms related to menstruation. Vitamin K is known as a blood-clotting vitamin, so it’s great in treating excessive bleeding and relief to symptoms of menopause. Alfalfa, is also great for bloating, excess gas, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, and other digestive issues.
More recently, it was discovered that alfalfa contains properties that can delay the growth of cancerous tumors in the body. Alfalfa is specifically effective against breast cancer with its phytoestrogens like isoflavones, that mimic human estrogen. Studies show that regular consumption of food with isoflavones decrease the occurrence of breast cancer. It also contains the amino acid canavanine, which can bind cancer-causing cells in the colon.
Finally, alfalfa repairs heart tissue and is good for all heart and cardiovascular issues because it helps rebuild valves and break down scar tissue.
Youth is a product that feeds and repairs DNA by increasing your Telomeres - the little fingers on DNA that tell how old the body is.
Telomeres are segments of DNA at the end of our chromosomes. They function similarly to the plastic at the end of a shoelace; preventing chromosomes from fraying or tangling with one another. When that happens, it can cause genetic information to get mixed up or destroyed, leading to cell malfunction, increasing the risk of disease or even shortening lifespans.
Each time a cell divides, its telomeres become shorter. After years of splicing and dicing, telomeres become too short for more divisions. At this point, cells are unable to divide further and become inactive, die or continue dividing anyway — an abnormal process that’s potentially dangerous.
Essentially, this is how our bodies age. As more of our cells lose their telomeres and go out of commission, without others to take their place, the body follows and begins breaking down. And telomeres don’t leave (or shorten) without causing issues. Their shortening process has been linked with aging, cancer and a higher risk of death.
This amazing line of probiotics is just ONE of the great products that we have at Luminosity in our Naturopathic toolbox! Check back with us next week to learn other ways to stay on track with your health through the holidays!
In the meantime, if you have questions about products at Luminosity contact me (Sarah) here.
If your body is speaking with symptoms, it might be time to listen in and see what it is saying. Both Sarah and Tonya are just a click away and can help you discover a much more direct route to feeling like yourself again!
We would love to help you and your family stay healthy this season and beyond; let us know how we can help you!
Sarah Mokma,
Owner, Luminosity Center for Healing