Holistic Guidance and Personalized Naturopathic Consultations
Take a deeper look into the messages your body is giving and understand everything on a more subtle level where prevention is a possibility and health is a reality. We practice Traditional Naturopathy, which looks to the signs your body is giving to inform about where there is a need for support. We use Iridology, Sclerology, Muscle Response Testing, Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques, and other non-invasive ways to listen to the messages of imbalance your body is giving as well as helping you find the most direct path to balance. Learn how nothing about disease is random and how you too can have vibrant health
Massage Therapy
At Luminosity, we have Licensed Massage Therapists who specialize in The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, Relaxation Massage, Oncology Massage and Lomi'ili'ili, a Hawaiian Hot Stone massage. Our massage therapists are also able to integrate their trainings in Reiki, cranial sacral therapy, and chakra balancing for emotional and energetic healing; to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit.
Energy Therapy
In today’s environment, you cannot afford to ignore the fact that you are electromagnetic in nature and that what makes up your physiology extends beyond your physical body. Working with your body’s more subtle energetic system is a great support to health and wholeness as well as the missing piece of the puzzle formany chronic symptoms, because it is often an ignored piece of healing. Like a delicate musical instrument, you can easily start to “tune” with the frequencies around you instead of your own vibration. See for yourself why energy therapy is relaxing, restoring and vital to living life - it is, after all, just as much a part of you as your physical body.
Myofascial Release
Physically, your fascia is like a living scaffolding to your muscles and organs that can be affected by things such as injuries, repetitive motion and restrictive actions (such as sitting too long) as well as emotional, psychological, and energetic trauma (including longstanding difficult situations). In an effort to heal itself, your fascia will get thicker as new layers are created by your body. Myofascial release therapy removes the adhesions in your connective tissue that formed during these traumas. As the adhesions and scar tissue are released, the story of the trauma is also released and your body returns to its state prior to the trauma. This therapy is especially great if you have chronic pain or injuries.
Organic Facials and kps Essentials Skincare
At Luminosity we know you want skincare that works and we are passionate about helping you eliminate the 400 chemicals most women are exposed to daily. The skincare industry is not regulated for safe ingredients and we know the effect this has on your hormones and overall health. Not only does KPS essentials use
all organic, food grade ingredients that are totally safe; this is skincare that delivers results better than any skincare on the market. Because of it’s Renu technology, it is able to penetrate your skin and deliver nutrition that heals and revitalizes even the most problematic skin. Our facials boast skin rejuvenation without the harsh chemicals and our Esthetician is an expert at creating the most relaxing environment.
Book a facial to see what healthy skin can do, and see how KPS daily products can keep your glow going every day.
Craniosacral Therapy
By addressing the spine and its fluid, Craniosacral therapy addresses issues at the core of your body’s health and most importantly, brings your body back into a “rest and repair” state by balancing your central nervous system. Craniosacral therapy releases tensions along the entire spine and in the bones of the cranium with a light touch so that your body can enter its natural state of self-correction and balance. This therapy is especially helpful if you have any chronic illness, chronic stress or unexplained illness.
Life Coaching
Life can feel so much more easeful and fulfilling when you align with your inner guidance. Discovering who you are and what you are here to contribute to life is what makes even the tough days worth it. Instead of being taught to tune into this inner guidance, we are taught how to search outside of ourselves for the next thing; leaving us always lacking. Life coaching from a wholistic view, helps you see the bigger picture of your life and access the innate wisdom you have been given to help you truly align with not only your full potential, but also your most fulfilling life.
Arvigo® Techniques of Mayo Abdominal Therapy
Maya Abdominal Therapy is an ancient technique that has been known and practiced by healers for thousands of years. This knowledge that was passed generation to generation among midwives, healers and shamans of Belize was brought to America by Rosita Arvigo, a Chicago herbalist and Naprapath.
This therapy is an external, non-invasive and gentle manipulation. It is truly a nurturing treatment of the abdominal and pelvic area that gently guides internal organs into their appropriate anatomical positions for optimum health and well being.
Color Therapy
Color is the simplest and most accurate therapeutic measure yet developed.
It is made up of different wavelengths and frequencies – each color having its own particular wavelength and frequency. When we are healthy and balanced, the frequency of our body, all the way down to the cellular level, is vibrating and working together. However, even little imbalances disturb this frequency and cause disharmony.
Just as with certain sounds, we know how the color of a room, or wearing a certain color makes us feel. Research has validated the importance of light and color in treating disease. For example, blue light therapy has been shown to lower blood pressure by calming the autonomic nervous system, while red light therapy causes it to rise.
Sound Therapy
Sound healing, has a basis in both neurology and psychology. Extensive research has shown that music clearly offers the potential to strengthen and increase the interconnections across the hemispheres of the brain as well as other systems in the body. Because you are made of electrical vibration, the vibration of certain notes are very helpful to “tune” your specific organs and systems in the body.
Sound therapy can have profound effects on the balance of the body for health, especially in conjunction with other therapies. As with most energy-based therapies, it is relaxing, simple and effective.
Chi Therapy
Chi Therapy is one of the BEST ways to stimulate your Lymphatic System (a major player in your immune and detoxification systems).
The lymphatic system is the body’s inner drainage system for waste removal. A healthy Lymphatic System is essential for protecting you from illness and inflammation that causes disease. It is the body’s protection system; constantly working against infections, bacteria and cancer cells.
Unfortunately, many of us have a congested lymphatic system due to toxins in our environment, stress, and lack of movement.
When the lymphatic system becomes overly stressed, symptoms and signs can include:
• chronic fatigue
• swelling in lymph nodes (like throat, armpits or groin)
• muscle aches and pains
• joint pains
• sore throats and getting colds more often
• frequent infections or viruses
• fibromyalgia symptoms
• arthritis
• and even cancer formation
Practitioner Grade Supplements
There are SO many supplements on the market today and not all of them are created equal. Even good quality supplements go to waste if your body isn’t able to assimilate them. Most importantly, a supplement is only as good for you as your body’s need for that supplement.
Supplements are an investment. Don’t you want to know that what you are taking is really what your body needs, in a form it can use?
At Luminosity we carry only the best practitioner grade supplements that Dr. Sarah Mokma has found to be high-quality as well as easy for people to assimilate.
With a combination of minerals, vitamins, herbs, essential oils, flower essences, the latest in detoxing and probiotics as well as targeted homeopathic remedies that really get to the root of health issues; Luminosity can help you find amazing results. For targeted and personalized suggestions you can seek Dr. Mokma’s assistance herer
Workshops and Education
At Luminosity we are dedicated to bringing you the best information so that you can live the healthiest and happiest life possible. In addition to what our amazing team has to offer; we collaborate with local practitioners, business owners and expert speakers to bring you the best education and hands-on opportunities.
We believe that it is time that everyone has access to the amazing world of natural healing and all the ways it can enhance your life. And we love the community that this knowledge creates. We would be honored to have you join us!
Want to see something that isn’t being offered? We would love your suggestions! Let us know.