Health is so much more than the absence of disease. It is the fullness of life in every aspect of you. It is finding the wholeness that you were created to be — body, mind and spirit.
Sarah Mokma, ND has gathered practitioners and teachers with a wide range of trainings and experiences in each of these areas — body, mind and spirit. She has created Luminosity to bring natural healing, education and self-care into the community in a safe, beautiful environment to help you find the right pieces that will awaken your wellness from the inside out.
It is her hope that through the many offerings and expertise available at Luminosity; you will find the light from within yourself that fuels radiant wellness in every area of your life.
Sarah Mokma, ND
Sarah Mokma is a board-certified naturopathic doctor, certified Arvigo Therapy Practitioner, author, speaker, President of the Michigan Naturopathic Association, and CEO of Luminosity Center for Healing.
Once she discovered the world of natural health and helped turn around her daughter’s health 18 years ago, she found herself wanting to empower all women to own this knowledge for healing.
In addition to her four years of training as a traditional naturopath, Sarah studied emotional, spiritual and vibrational healing all over the world because she has found that in order to find true health, you must work with those aspects of yourself beyond the body.
Sarah uses this knowledge to help you understand you are more than a physical body because these often forgotten aspects of you hold major keys to living your best life. Helping clients tune in to the messages of their body, mind and heart for the deepest and truest healing; Sarah shows women how to grow to their fullest in each season of life.
Stephanie Rees-Squibb
Stephanie’s spiritual practice is led by the immeasurable wisdom of her teachers and their rich traditions. She began her path in Kriya Yoga with Goswami Kriyananda in 1998, going on to certify as a Hatha Yoga teacher in 2002. Later, she spent several years in Kriya Yoga Seminary to be ordained Swami Vasudevyananda.
Throughout her years of teaching yoga, Stephanie sought to bring more to her students by expanding her offerings. Thus, she studied Theravada Buddhism with Carol Blotter. During her three years in California, she trained with Jongmae Park, a Buddhist monk in the Korean Taego Order, who so generously shared the deeper teachings of the Buddha. After three years, she and her family returned home to Grand Rapids, where she began sitting Zazen with Sokuzan, a fully ordained monk in the Zen Buddhist Tradition.
Stephanie is currently steeping in the rich teachings of Leela Yoga with her teacher, Peter Marchand. She has realized that genuine teaching happens from a place of humility, compassion, wisdom and openness to human suffering. Her dedication to the mastery of Hatha Yoga and meditation unfolds as a heart-felt wish to open those who walk with her on the path to unbounded joy and contentment.
Susan Dewitt-Armstrong
Susan De Witt Armstrong is a veteran teacher with a MA in Counseling and JD in law. Over the past thirty years, while raising her three boys, she became an advocate for children with disabilities by facilitating monthly support groups for parents and advocating for the accommodations needed in helping children navigate a system that did not fit their learning style.
Twelve years ago, after the death of her father, Susan realized her own need for self care. By studying yoga and meditation, receiving training and certification in Reiki, Bach Flower Essences, and Arvigo Spiritual Healing, she began to understand more fully the process of healing from the perspective of the mind, body spirit connection.
Susan is passionate about helping you find the heart of all you are. The voice that calls out to you to be your authentic self, the person you were meant to be. She has experienced firsthand and with helping clients, how healing and self discovery creates the open door to that beautiful soul you are.
Combining her holistic trainings with her experiences as a teacher, counselor and lawyer; Susan is uniquely qualified to assist you in developing your own customized, holistic approach for learning and healing so that you may cultivate personal growth, rejuvenate wellness and unearth your true potential.
Suzanne Brown
Suzanne is a licenced massage therapist who specializes in The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, relaxation and oncology massage and Lomi'ili'ili, a Hawaiian Hot Stone massage. Suzanne also integrates her trainings in Reiki, cranial sacral therapy, and chakra balancing for emotional and energetic healing; to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit.
Influenced by a deep reverence for the old ways of her Grandmother, Suzanne has been delving into traditional and nontraditional healing for over 30 years. It is this love of the old wisdom passed down from generation to generation that drew her to the wisdom and work of Arvigo Therapy which is an ancient technique that has been known and practiced by healers for thousands of years. Arvigo aids the body’s inherent healing and inner knowing to bring some of the most powerful healing. Healing that is beyond the physical body, through the entire system of one who is suffering primarily from reproductive, urinary, digestive and low back issues.
Suzanne’s gift of nurturing, hands-on healing; helps men and women find their body’s balance with Arvigo and at the same time instills the wisdom of millennia for the self-care we so often miss in today’s world.